
The Francis Wyman Homestead

Wyman house circa 2010.

The Wyman Homestead (56 Francis Wyman Rd.) is one of the most historically-significant landmarks in eastern Massachusetts, and is notable for a wide range of associations and connections. Historically, the house is important as an early Colonial landmark which sheds light upon English settlement patterns and domestic lifestyles. Architecturally, the homestead is significant as an 18th century structure, and as the home of one of Burlington and Woburn’s earliest settlers. Potential site interpretations include farming, tanning, Colonial settlement, and a wide range of early American historical skills and themes. The Francis Wyman Association was organized and formed after Benjamin Wyman’s 1899 visit to the gravestone of Francis Wyman (1618/9-1699) and after learning about the decrepit condition of the ca. 1730 Francis Wyman Homestead.

Dismayed by their ancestral home’s condition, the Association was incorporated in 1902 for the purpose of acquiring and preserving relics and records of the family of Francis Wyman, and the ancient Wyman homestead in the town of Burlington and also for encouraging friendly intercourse among his descendants.