
We appreciate your help in maintaining and improving the homestead!

You can make an online donation or memorial through PayPal:

Or you can mail your donation or memorial by check to:
Francis Wyman Association, Inc.
14 Thompson St.
Dedham, MA 02026

To make other arrangements, please contact Ginny Mucciaccio at

To donate items, please contact: Jonell Day Kenagy at

Well Sweep

Currently, we are raising money to rebuild the well sweep, a long pole used to get water from the well,  that originally was found on the east side of the house.  This requires that we do some archeological digging before we build to be sure that we are not destroying something that we cannot see.  This is all very expensive.  Please help us rebuild this piece of Burlington and New England History!  Thank you!

Francis Wyman Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.